Saturday, January 4, 2014


hey guys, i was skinny fat, even now im still a little skinny fat. That little pooch under my belly button has always been a pain in my butt XP back when i was doing insanity the asylum, i had this big belly because i did not know any better, great workouts but lack of knowledge diet wise. I gain huge legs due to intense workouts and large leg muscles from insanity. Now i have managed to lose that little bit of belly fat during school holidays but now im back to school. Which means less hours to workout, more cravings and more stress. During the holidays, i workout twice a day, cardio and weights, but now i can only squueze in my weight training and now i've noticed that my belly has gotten a little bigger.Plus, im constantly treating myself. four days in a row now! Now, im really confused coz research shows that weight lifting is the way to stop being skinny fat. ERGH!!! Hopefully i can solve this problem soon coz this pooch is causing my energy to pooch as well. What should i do, weights or cardio? BTW, my pooch's name is ASS ;)

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