Monday, September 22, 2014

Weight gain for recovery

Lately, i have been really upset. I know right now i should be focusing on recovery from this eating disorder but it still kinda sucks when everybody around me is losing weight and i am the only one gaining weight. And today i was so scared of being teased about being a little chubby i got really defensive when my friend started making remarks on how fattening the foods we sometimes eat are. I know she was not talking about what i eat but i cant help but feel insecure. Although i am putting on a little bit of weight each week but i have not binged in a while and i am so proud of that. Maybe i allow myself treats to often but i also try to eat healthy. And i am just really confused on what i should be doing. I have also been lacking exercise lately although i crave ever so much. Exams are around the corner and being in the top class there is a lot of pressure on keeping the standards up. I know we should focus on recovery but sometimes i cant help but step on the scale. Sometimes after i overeat i consider pirging but at the end i dont because that will only trigger me to eat more. And through the process of not purging, i have successfully kept my binging under control. But the weight gain really got to ms. Any advice?? Much appreciated <3

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