Friday, January 10, 2014


Hey my lovelies, I am so proud of myself for sticking to my food diary challenge and not treating myself for two days now . I know you're thinking why can't you treat yourself? First of all, I constantly treat myself, up to a point where instead of once a week it would be everyday. I'm not saying you can't treat yourself everyday, if you do it in small portions. I was treating myself the entire meal. I need to gain back the discipline. And I was tempted with corn just now but I just told myself I got to be a role model for you guys and I need to be disciplined. I know corn is good for you but it's carbihydrates and we don't need that much carbohydrates at night especially before you go to bed. I'm so proud of myself and now I feel like I'm so strong mentally and more motivated than EVER!! That is why I have decided to do a JUICE FAST tomorrow. Hopefully I can pull through!!! Please pray for me. I wil keep you guys posted ;) see ya and stay awesome 

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