Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 1

I have decided to take it a day at a time. Don't get me wrong. I still have my sugar cravings but moderation is KEY!!!

Breakfast- awesome green tea with steamed chicken, lettuce, cucumber and a slice of Cheesedale cheese :)

I was suppose to eat this in school but the teacher asked me to go home coz I had conjunctivitis and she didn't want me to infect others which is stupid!!!
Snack- lettuce, cucumber and a lice of pomelo.

Lunch- stir fry cabbage with tempeh and I still had my sugar cravings so I had additional sweet potato :) plus I also had a detox juice to go with it.

Dinner- a scoop of whey and some cream cheese, with two boiled eggs and steamed cauli flower. Sorry if I did not take a pic, i forgot XD the reason why I have so much protein at dinner is because I have my dinner right after I workout so this is pretty much it guys!!!!
Let us see if we can turn that 52 into 49 again ;) take it a day at a time!! Remember it is a lifestyle not a diet :)

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